I know Brian as a show promoter, photographer, and videographer. Brian's Fitness Atlantic show, is hands down the BEST East Coast show... period! I as a fellow promoter I could only wish to be "nearly" as good as Brian. If you are a competitor, you would do yourself a great service to make sure you try his show out! I've also hired Brian professionally to take video and do photography for my contest.
He is punctual, attentive, reasonably priced, and does a GREAT job. His work has been published in National Bodybuilding magazines, and trade magazines as well.
I am proud to associate myself with Brian professionally, and as a friend!
- Matt Johnson, Owner House of Nutrition
Nobody puts more heart, soul and passion into promoting athletes and competitions than Brian Cannone! That's why the FitnessAtlantic.com Fitness Weekend is one of the most successful contests in the country and why FitnessAtlantic.com receives such an incredible amount of traffic! Fitness Atlantic Weekend boasts a plethora of divisions and classes, it's the perfect competition for everyone from beginners to seasoned veterans! Brian uses cutting edge technology to promote athletes and the contest!
- Todd Ganci, Diet Expert
The Fitness Atlantic show that Brian Cannone puts on every year is beyond a doubt one of the finest productions I have ever seen or been part of. This is due in whole to Brian.
He is dedicated to excellence in everything he does. Brian is a true gentleman and goes above and beyond the call of duty. Every year I look forward to working with him...
Working with Brian is a pleasure. Absolutely no stress. I highly recommend working with Brian
- John Ryan, Fitness Photographer
Brian, Thank you for setting up the photo shoot room and hosting this fine event!
Each year I look forward to meeting the contestants in your show and submitting their images to all of the fitness magazines. I have published over 100 covers to date and your athletes are just what many magazines look to feature.
-Jason Ellis, Photographer AKA The King of Covers
I placed first in the bikini short class division and won in the Overall round. I received my Pro card.
Entering a show made my dream come true and it is such an honor to be apart of and Winning my Pro card at 22 years old and after only competing for two years has opened a new chapter in my life and I am so excited to pursue bikini modeling as a career!
- Alisha Ceraso Pro Bikini Diva
I am so proud to be the winner of Fitness Diva Fitness Model. It is an honor to represent Brian Cannone as a New Pro. No one should
miss pushing themselves physically to get into the best shape of their lives!
- Loriann Marchese Pro Diva Fitness Model
Brian, Thank you for the media passes to your event and allowing me to set up photo shoots with the winners to submit to Natural Muscle Magazine and other fitness publications.
Thanks for everything and I look forward to the trip and being part of your events. The people in your events are awesome.
Hang Tuff!
- Coach A, John Atherton, PhD
My name is Jude Achu and I started competing in the Connecticut State and won the novice division when I wanted to move up the competitive ladder I started the Stage Ready Nutrition and Training program.
I was able to loose body fat and keep all my muscle by following a plan that kept me eating more food than ever and I looked my best. Before the plan I guessed what to eat and now I knew exactly what to do and why to do it.
I went on to win the 2005 Atlantic Heavyweight class, the CT State, Connecticut Overall and compete as a Professional in the World Natural Bodybuilding Federation
- Jude Achu
My first show was the 2003 Atlantic Championships at 22 years old I was a former football player at Sacred Heart University.
Following Brian's plan allowed me to compete in my first show and get shredded like I never looked before - my eating habits are still the same now and the information I learned will be with me the rest of my life. Each year and each contest I became better and I even won the New York contest and became a Professional Natural Bodybuilder."
- Jamel Keels
I'm Pete Saccone and after years of training and dieting down on tuna and rice cakes I decided to try something new. I followed the program and had my bodyfat tested every two weeks - I ate so many vegetables and high fiber carbohydrates I felt great.
I never before held my mass for a show I would get ripped and back in the day I won the USA Overall but now at 50 years old I am a much better bodybuilder than I was over 10 years ago!
- Pete Saccone